Saturday 3 November 2012


I'm really excited to announce a new segment on my blog. I'm going to be calling it "Style Icon Saturday" and  I'm going to showcase people whose style really inspire me. The people I will post about could be a celebrity, a blogger or someone I know personally. They could be plus size or straight sized and they can be someone who identifies as either male or female (or both, or neither). The criteria for these posts isn't strict, it's just something I'm going to have fun with. It'll deviate from the usual "outfit of the day" posts and throw some light onto different people's fashion that truly captivate and inspire me. I think an important part of understanding someone's style is to see where their ideas come from and to see who played a part in helping evolve that person's style.

I've been toying around with this idea for quite some time. I've thought of everything but I just couldn't decide who to do the first post about... but then it came to me. It was staring me right in the face.

Robyn "Rihanna" Fenty
source: ELLE Magazine

If you know anything about me, it is probably that I worship this woman. I see her as fearless, bold and extremely real. Her style (and music) has influenced me more than any other pop star. It was her that gave me the courage to rock my undercut, and it was her that showed me you don't have to dress in super feminine clothing to still be considered sexy. The confidence this woman has is outstanding. She is incredibly relatable and what I like most about her style is that it is so unpredictable. She has the ability to dress either super feminine or super femme, to the point of almost being androgynous. She isn't afraid to wear a designer gown one day and oversized camouflage pants and a graphic t the next day. She's the perfect mix of pop star / rock star / hip hop star.

Her hair is probably my favourite thing about her. You never know what she's going to do next. She started out with her long flowy brown hair in her Music of the Sun / A Girl Like Me / Good Girl Gone Bad days, chopped it all off in angst during Rated R, dyed it fire engine red during Loud, did everything imaginable during Talk That Talk and is now rocking a black pixie cut for the release of her latest album, Unapologetic. Her hair truly does tell a story, and I believe it shows how much she has evolved (and continues to evolve) as an artist.

A lot of people think she isn't a great person to look up to, even she has said she isn't an a role model, but she is definitely an inspiring artist. In today's pop culture of cookie cutter Disney pop stars, she really stands out in my eyes. This is a girl, not much older than myself (24 years old), who has made no apologies for the way she lives her life. The title of her seventh studio album, Unapologetic, is appropriately named. She worked hard for everything she has and she's completely rocking it

'Cause once a good girl goes bad, we gone forever.
Good Girl Gone Bad by Rihanna

None of these photos belong to me, all photos have been referenced back to the original sources.

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