Thursday 14 September 2017


These pictures have been sitting on my computer for far too long. I took these back in August and so much has changed since then. I have been MIA from the blog for a bit, but not without good reason. I quit my job. I moved cities. I'm going back to school. I'm doing this all at the age of 25.

For someone who is absolutely terrified of change, this is huge for me. My life back in Ottawa was so comfortable. I was surrounded by people that I love (and that love me), I was at the same job that I enjoyed working for nearly six years (!!!), my life was perfectly routine and secure. I was happy but I needed something that scared me - I needed a change.

So here I am, writing this blog post in a cafe around the corner from my new place in Toronto. It's scary terrifying, but I'm confident in my decision and I can't wait to see where this adventure takes me.

TOP/ Forever 21+ SKIRT/ Burlington Coat Factory 
SHOES/ H&M BAG/ Thrifted (no brand)

Photos by Sue Waugh


  1. Congratulations on taking the plunge, Rosie! You will do well. If not, at the very least you will have done it.

  2. Best of luck for your future and this post is just amazing. The outfit is so amazing. Thank you for sharing this cute post with us.
