Tuesday 31 January 2017


I'm trying to make good on my New Year's resolutions

It has been rewarding, albeit a bit difficult. 

Let me explain: I live with social anxiety. Meeting new people and making small talk is not easy extremely stressful for me. I'm trying to put myself out there more and I'm taking small steps to do that. Blogging has always been about community for me and that's why I love it. It's a whole lot easier to strike up a conversation with someone that has a known similar interest to you. So with that being said, I've been trying (my best) to converse with other bloggers and to collaborate with them. This past weekend I met up with a new blogger in Ottawa, Chelsea, to grab coffee and snap some pictures for each other's blogs. It was such a lovely afternoon and I'm so happy that she reached out to me.

In my New Year's post I talked about reaching out to both old friends and new friends and I'm pretty happy with the progress that I've made on that front. I also discussed stepping out of my comfort zone in terms of my fashion choices. I haven't exactly lived up to that just yet but there are a few exciting (and edgy) #ootd posts coming up shortly. I kept it pretty simple for this look, though. I stuck to wearing a lot of my favourite pieces because that's what I feel most comfortable in, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I have been wearing a lot of grey lately. I used to be drawn to all black ensembles but I love how grey adds a bit of depth to those kinds of looks. I've talked about this coat from H&M 101 times but my love for it is still going strong. This large pukey coloured scarf is a new addition to my wardrobe, though. If you know me, you know I'm drawn to anything that can be described as ugly and I think that the colour of this scarf fits that description perfectly. I'm a fan of how unexpected it is and how it has the ability to go with everything. I tend to wear this scarf when I'm wearing lilac lipstick; I think the combination of those two colours + the blue in my hair is a match made in heaven. The black skinny jeans that I wore, along with my Dr. Marten boots, are fairly standard in my outfit posts (and in my life) because they work perfectly with just about everything in my wardrobe. I'm trying to make changes in my life and in the way I see/approach things, but some things are bound to stay the same. And that's okay too.

Photos by Chelsea Lanthier

1 comment:

  1. Baby steps are better than no steps at all! Way to go, Rosie! These colors are so unexpected yet so perfect together. Puke colored scarf and all! LOL

    Hannah | The Outfit Repeater
